Jesus taught that he did not come to be served, but to serve. Be a part of what God is doing in Latvia through Talsi Christian School. 

Orphan & Kids Camp

June 15-19, 2025

  • Orphans and children from poor and broken families are brought to Talsi Christian school, where they will spend 5 days with the mission team. US mission team partners with youth and young adults from Talsi Christian School and local churches to organize the camp. Activities during the camp include Bible studies, crafts, music, sports, and most of all loving on children who do not experience Christ’s love at home. In addition to the camp, you’ll also experience a few days of sightseeing the beautiful country of Latvia

  • It is special blessing to be chosen to teach God’s word to little children, and because of these camps hundreds of children have learned about Jesus and many have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Students of Talsi Christian School have grown into Christian leaders through the opportunities to be coached and taught by the mission teams serving at the camp.

  • First Orphan camp was held in the summer of 1996 with a mission team from Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler Tx and New Beginnings Baptist Church in Longview, Tx. Since then every summer God has lead a mission team to love and share the good news with orphans and children of Latvia.

    Students of Talsi Christian School have grown and today they are the leaders of the orphan camp along with American Christians. The Latvian Leaders are translators for all the activities lead by the US mission team.

VBS Camp

June 9-14, 2025

  • TCS Students grades 1-6 are invited to attend a day camp during the summer at the TCS Campus. Activities during the camp include Bible studies, crafts, music, sports, and most of all sharing the gospel through building relationships with students and leaders. In addition to the camp, you’ll also experience a few days of sightseeing the beautiful country of Latvia.

  • VBS leaves a long lasting impact on the relationships of students of TCS, because the elder students of TCS are the group leaders of VBS. During the camp they develop friendships that last throughout the following school year. For the older students it is their responsibility to act as an example for the younger students during the school year and it really has worked!

  • After starting the youth camp the principal of Talsi Christian School Inguna Gruznina realized that students of TCS grades 1-6 are „left behind” – students from 7th-12th grade can participate in the Youth camp and become leaders at The Orphan camps, but younger kids do not have an opportunity for a Christian camp during the summer. These kids mainly come from non Christian families. During a time of prayer God was choosing bro. Mike Heim and the family of Baptist Church of White Oak to organize the Vacation Bible School at Talsi Christian School during the summer of 2011.

“Seko Man” Youth Camp

July 19-23, 2025

  • Youth from all over Latvia come to Talsi to participate in a 5 day camp to learn more about God and his plan for their lives. The camp is called “SekoMan”, which translates to “FollowMe”. Lectures, fellowship, community service, prayers, devotionals, evangelistic church services at nights for the community – the youth camp matures our youth in their spiritual walk with God. In addition to the camp, you’ll also experience a few days of sightseeing the beautiful country of Latvia.

  • mericans show wonderful examples of themselves, they are devoted, serving Christians, and they inspire our youth to serve and live a Christian life. At the end of each camp the students are challenged to go out and make a difference in the city and community they came from. We’ve seen young adults accept Christ, become leaders in their churches, start Bible studies in their high schools and universities. Some hear and respond to God’s calling to vocational ministry and enroll in Seminary. Through the 17 years of “SekoMan”, over 1200 youth have attended the camp, many of which come every year to receive spiritual encouragement and learn how to start or grow their walk with the Lord.

  • The first Youth Camp was held in 2007 because Inguna saw the hunger in the young students for the Lord, but no one to teach them. Brent and Karen Cooper (founders of Talsi Christian School Foundation) felt God calling them to lead the ministry which now has grown to over 100 campers each year from all over Latvia and other parts of Europe.

Fall Leadership Camp

October 20-24, 2025

  • TCS Students grades 1-6 are invited to attend a day camp during the summer at the TCS Campus. Activities during the camp include Bible studies, crafts, music, sports, and most of all sharing the gospel through building relationships with students and leaders. In addition to the camp, you’ll also experience a few days of sightseeing the beautiful country of Latvia.

  • VBS leaves a long lasting impact on the relationships of students of TCS, because the elder students of TCS are the group leaders of VBS. During the camp they develop friendships that last throughout the following school year. For the older students it is their responsibility to act as an example for the younger students during the school year and it really has worked!

  • After starting the youth camp the principal of Talsi Christian School Inguna Gruznina realized that students of TCS grades 1-6 are „left behind” – students from 7th-12th grade can participate in the Youth camp and become leaders at The Orphan camps, but younger kids do not have an opportunity for a Christian camp during the summer. These kids mainly come from non Christian families. During a time of prayer God was choosing bro. Mike Heim and the family of Baptist Church of White Oak to organize the Vacation Bible School at Talsi Christian School during the summer of 2010.

Are you interested in joining any of the mission teams? Fill out the form below and a member of the Camp Leadership team will get in contact with you.

  [review it to make sure you have plenty of blank pages (a minimum of 4-5 pages when traveling internationally with multiple stops). Also, verify the expiration date of your passport is six (6) months beyond the date of return to the United States]. Visa is NOT required for United States citizens traveling to Latvia, which is part of the European Union.

All mission trips are faith projects and everyone is expected to raise their own support. Arrival airport is Riga, Latvia (RIX). The camp leadership team allows for flexibility in travel arrangements (booked individually, not through the team) to accommodate willing missionaries from all around the United States.

The camp is held in the TCS campus (Talsi), meals are provided on site.